It's hard to believe that Madeline is already 3 1/2 months old. It has been a fun month because has shown so much growth. She is very alert and doesn't miss a thing. She is grabbing at, clothes, glasses, hair, tails.
She is so strong and still physically advanced according to the books. She holds her head up on her own and loves her new Bumbo chair. It gives her a lot of freedom. She puts weight on her legs in a standing position and is so strong. Maddie's been rolling from her stomach to her back for a while now and she surprised us again this week. She rolled from her back to her stomach! She's very determined and seems to figure out how to get what she wants. Brilliant!
Of course, you can't beat the "talking" and nothing is better than a big smile. You can't tell in pictures but when she smiles real big she has a dimple by her chin. So cute! He favorite thing to talk to is her cowgirl doll. She'll lay in her play yard and have a full conversation with it. It's fun to imagine what she must be saying.