January 10, 2010

More Holiday Photos

Madeline and Grandma Walker (Nanna)

We had a quiet Christmas at home with grandma and grandpa. There was snow on the ground all day which was a great change.

75 attempts at a family Christmas photo......this was the only keeper really.

Madeline and her Christmas big wheel. She loves to be pushed around on it, but her feet are not quite long enough to peddle yet.

The tickle me Elmo hands seemed like the perfect gift. Right now Madeline has two favorite things....Elmo....and being tickled. This should have been a no-brainer can't miss, however, she's actually afraid of them.

Her new baby makes little bottle feeding sounds when the bottle is stuck in her mouth. Madeline likes it......creeps mom and dad out a little bit.

Took a little while for Madeline to realize the stroller was for the doll.....

Like my Christmas dress?

Kisses for pop pop.

Christmas Monkey was a hit!!!..............for about 2 days.

Ripping open those stocking presents.