It was the day after Christmas and we were lounging around the house enjoying the day off. Then we heard the weather report. It was going be a beautiful sunny day! We thought we couldn't waste such nice weather to the zoo we went. This was Madeline's first zoo trip and it was a fantastic day. It was in the low 80's, sunny with a slight breeze. We enjoyed the walk and Maddie enjoyed all the sights and the ride in the stroller. The day couldn't have been better!
Here's the monkey looking at the monkeys! This picture cracks me up. Even the gorilla is looking the same direction (not sure what we were looking at but I think it was a screaming 8 year old).

We took a break from looking at the giraffes to smile for the camera.

This was her favorite part of the day. An otter kept swimming by and she would get so excited that she would gasp and look at us. She could have stayed there all day!